Sunday 6 September 2015

Sunday 9 August 2015

My character in clay

Made my character in clay today.
The fur in the side's of his face are still a bit weird but all together he looks pretty cool.
Even though i made his sleeves and bow tie he has no jacket haha 

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Sunday 2 August 2015

Background concept research

Just uploading some picture ideas for the club which my puppy character will be guarding.
I like the brick look of the fourth and sixth one   

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Character Model Sheet

The colors for my character a lot of people like the black one but with the eyes changed to blue.

Character Model Sheet

The expressions for my character, as a bouncer he doesn't have many expressions
so im probably just gonna go with the first one.  

Character Model Sheet - Turn around

This is the turn around for my character, I decided to go with the bottom right design from
the concept art page.

His head got a little squished in the 3/4 view but i really like how the side view turned out. 

*Had to ask Lauren how to do the legs in the front view.


This is the prop for my bouncer, 
A clip board or the VIP list with a pencil.
Yeah really simple.

Concept Devlopment

Here are the concept art for my bouncer
I did not like the middle three designs very much.
Im probably gonna go with the top left or one of the bottom three.

Monday 20 July 2015

Visual research 16/7/2015

Visual research for my character in 3D animation.
I'm going with a tiny bouncer don't know if he is going to be human or dog yet.