Friday 2 December 2016

Final Update

After a bit of miss comunitcation within the group, i was not able to complete all of my assets in time for the final presentaion.

But here is the finals and what i was about to finish.

Here is the half cleaned fall animation.

And here is the final for the hover animation, in the end Oscar was not able to do the shading for me sadly so this took longer than i would have liked.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Fall Animation and Update

Hey, quick update on what I've been doing for our game stuff:

I've finished the clean up and colour on my Hover animation and Oscar has taken them from me to add the shading,

Now I am cleaning up and colouring my rough of the Fall Animation

I also need a change a couple things on my Health Bar then it will be finished too.

Monday 14 November 2016

Hover Cycle

Here is my finished hover/walk cycle roughs for my groups character animation, The sleeves could still use a little playing around with but for now I have moved onto my next animation.
I really don't like animating clothes and the tail of the dress is a little weird still but I need to talk to my group and see what they think.

Monday 7 November 2016

Health Bar

Here is the coloured version of the health bar for our game.
I was a little stuck as for what to do for the inside of the health bar (part the represents health left)
but I will discuss this with my group tomorrow in our group meeting.

Friday 4 November 2016

Game Update

So ive been put on the rough for our characters walk/hover cycle and the fall animation, i have started work on the walk/hover which i will contiune over the weekend and will hopefully be able to show my group a test of it on monday and tuesday.

I was also put on design for the health bar,
I done up some quick rough designs for my group to see and descided on what they liked best:

After talking with my group the final product looks like this:

This will be lined and coloured up tonight.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Game Character Turn Around

This is the finished turn around for our game character, it was pretty fun to do but I did have some trouble doing the back view. Sadly the coloured lines are a little hard to see but there is not much I can do about that.

I also forgot to add guide lines for the eyes/buttons on the hood so they move position a little.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Game Character Concepts

 Here are a few more concepts playing round with the line and skin colour of our character.

Monday 17 October 2016

Colour Concepts

Colour concepts
Here are the two colour variations and the colour schemes that we tried out for one of the designs.

Game Concepts with Gabby

Me and Gabby got together to talk about what parts of our designs that we like and want to keep.

We looked at both at her designs and mine and mixed and matched parts together. We both really liked her colour combinations of purple and yellow so i will draw up my colour concepts using those colours along with black and white.

Game Concepts Part 2

A few more character  concepts for our game, Gabby and I will be getting together to talk about what designs we like.
Will post those later.

(Far Q)

Friday 14 October 2016

More Concepts

For our group me and Gabby are in charge of designing the main character.

Here is my first group of concepts

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Back Ground Asset Final

Yay, I finished my back ground asset for the group project, For only being able to spend 2 days on this it turned out ok.

I did have to get some help for other people and teachers to get everything working in unity, but it came together in the end.

Here is a gif of the finished project.

Monday 3 October 2016

Background Assets Colour

Coloured Versions of my Background Asset.

The Dragon looking one was inspired by the design of our character.
The Fire one is to represent the different worlds/levels that our character goes through.
And the top one was inspired by Yin and Yang and the idea behind our story.

Now I just need to start animating one, I will probably be doing the top one.

Development Of Background Asset

Here is the development of my background asset, the level we chose was space so I was choosing between doing a Comet, Shooting Star, Milky Way or Constellations.

So i roughed out a couple ideas to get a feel for what I could do.

 (Sorry its hard to see)

I ended up choosing constellations because i felt there was more i could do with them and what they could be used for.

These are more developments focusing on constellations.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Modelling Exercise

For this exercise we had to draw the passage of time without using word or symbols.
My Idea for this was mostly to use a blur because time for me is a blur with only a few things that are in focus.

So it ended up like this,
With people rushing past and moving quickly with time.

I'm still not super happy with it but it will do.

Abstract Exercise

My discipline is Equestrian but mainly Show jumping, So for this exercise I decided to keep the main body of a horse and just add different parts of jumps that you would see in a show jumping ring. 
It has an Animation College logo on it because a lot of jump stands have a different places logo on them so I chose animation college because this horse is work for my school,
The ability Puissance comes from a competition, were the goal is to jump over this huge brick wall (Wooden) that will gradually get higher as each rider completes it.

Combining all these things J-Horse was born
(Jump Horse)

Embodied Thinking Exercise

This is my memory animation that i did for Mikayla.

Her memory was about her time at the beach with her family, running around and feeling the sand and course grass on her legs

Here is the rough brief that she gave me

And from that i created this.
If i had more time i would have cleaned and colored all the frames.
Im pretty happy how the background turned out though. 

Animation Exercises

Well I didn't realize that these short animations exercises that we were doing in class were important to our grade so I will be all the ones that I missed today.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Creative Studio Brief Update

Need to scan in all work in book, but i have been writing down drafts and notes for the brief just looking at how i get ready for equestrian and changing that into parts for the brief

Exquisite Animation Final Parts

Here are the final parts of the animation before they are put together.
They play through really fast (Sorry, timing is being weird)

                                                                          Part 1

Part 2

Exquisite Animation Test and Final

Hey, I wasn't able to upload this over the weekend because there was no internet but here is the first test of my animation, It was a little hard to change my picture to Zach's picture because they were very different and there was not a lot of matching things for me to work with.

Going from this (I ended up changing this picture so it isn't the final)

To this

Here is a test i was working with.

Monday 5 September 2016

Creative Studio - Exquisite Corpse Animation

I finished my starting frame for the Exquisite Corpse Animation, I still need to get my ending frame off Zach he said he should be done some time tonight or tomorrow so when I get it i can start on my animation, i already have a few ideas i could use for my transition.
  Here is my frame. I will give it to Matt today after class.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Group B - Work Dump

Because I am terrible at uploading in parts I am just uploading all of my concepts stuff all at once, So here you go.
All my sketch's for Character, Spirit and Level/Environment.
I did not get a chance to colour any as I have been sick for the last couple of days.  

Thursday 25 August 2016

Creative Brief Update

I have decided to go with Equestrian for my creative brief. 
Here is some of the rough ideas I have come up with as well as some notes I made when talking to Dane on Monday.

After talking to Dane I'm a little more confident in my choice of equestrian, because I don't have to directly translate thing into animation I can just use little parts of the sport with is good.

Dane did give me a cool example to look at which was Mind Game by Masaaki Yuasa.
It is a very quirky animation which is cool but it also has a rough kind of art style which is even better because I want to try an use a style like that in mine.

I'm going to look into more stuff like this tomorrow in class

Thursday 18 August 2016

Transdiciplinary Exercise - Embodied Thinking

I got Mikayla brief for my embodied thinking exercise.
 Here is a re type of her brief for her memory and a rough concept sketch of the back ground.

Here is the completed background:

And here is the first rough of my animation:

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Danes Work - Trans disciplinary Brief

For Creative Studio we need to write a creative brief for a trans-disciplinary animation project.

That first thing we needed to do was think of a couple disciplines that we couple integrate into animation, The more different the better.

My first couple ideas are:

Horse riding/Equestrian - Rhythm animation? - Connection - Synchronisation.

Animal Communication


Music - Violin

I still need to research/think a little more about how I could combine one of these with animation.  

Work Today

We played around a little with reflections and stuff today for class.

I works yay!

Unity Tower

Whoops i just realized that i didn't put this up.

My First build in Unity for class

Production Studio: Interactive

For homework for my Production Studio: Interactive class we had to create this scene in unity:

Here is my attempt:

Curving stairs are a pain,
We also had to light our scene up like a show we liked, I picked this shot

And mine ended up something like this:
I really don't understand lights right now, I kinda just made it green.