Tuesday 30 August 2016

Group B - Work Dump

Because I am terrible at uploading in parts I am just uploading all of my concepts stuff all at once, So here you go.
All my sketch's for Character, Spirit and Level/Environment.
I did not get a chance to colour any as I have been sick for the last couple of days.  

Thursday 25 August 2016

Creative Brief Update

I have decided to go with Equestrian for my creative brief. 
Here is some of the rough ideas I have come up with as well as some notes I made when talking to Dane on Monday.

After talking to Dane I'm a little more confident in my choice of equestrian, because I don't have to directly translate thing into animation I can just use little parts of the sport with is good.

Dane did give me a cool example to look at which was Mind Game by Masaaki Yuasa.
It is a very quirky animation which is cool but it also has a rough kind of art style which is even better because I want to try an use a style like that in mine.

I'm going to look into more stuff like this tomorrow in class

Thursday 18 August 2016

Transdiciplinary Exercise - Embodied Thinking

I got Mikayla brief for my embodied thinking exercise.
 Here is a re type of her brief for her memory and a rough concept sketch of the back ground.

Here is the completed background:

And here is the first rough of my animation:

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Danes Work - Trans disciplinary Brief

For Creative Studio we need to write a creative brief for a trans-disciplinary animation project.

That first thing we needed to do was think of a couple disciplines that we couple integrate into animation, The more different the better.

My first couple ideas are:

Horse riding/Equestrian - Rhythm animation? - Connection - Synchronisation.

Animal Communication


Music - Violin

I still need to research/think a little more about how I could combine one of these with animation.  

Work Today

We played around a little with reflections and stuff today for class.

I works yay!

Unity Tower

Whoops i just realized that i didn't put this up.

My First build in Unity for class

Production Studio: Interactive

For homework for my Production Studio: Interactive class we had to create this scene in unity:

Here is my attempt:

Curving stairs are a pain,
We also had to light our scene up like a show we liked, I picked this shot

And mine ended up something like this:
I really don't understand lights right now, I kinda just made it green.


Thursday 11 August 2016

Creative Studio - Transdisciplianary Exercise

For class we done a transdisciplinary exercise and we had to remix one of the comic/manga we were given.
I chose this one.

I had a couple ideas that I thought I could try, but I ended up going with this:

It is about a girl sending a love letter to her senpai only to find out that he is already in a relationship.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Level 6: Production: Interactive - Exercise 3 Steam Punk

Here is the final exercise we did. To design and create flavour text for a steam punk item we were also asked to include some sort of controversy in the description of the item.

Here is mine: A pair of steam punk wings or the Wings of Icarus.
This exercise was pretty fun to do even if I failed with the controversy a little, but I will probably colour these in at a later point in time.

Level 6: Production: Interactive - Exercise 2

Here is the 2nd exercise from class, for this one we need to design a weapon and create stats and a couple lines of flavour text for that weapon.

I need a bit more practice with flavour text and stats but other than that I'm happy with the design for the weapon.

Level 6: Production: Interactive - Exercise 1 Tome

We have done a couple exercises in our production: Interactive class recently, we were designing objects and writing flavour text for them.

So here is the first one:

Rough concepts

My tome is about a vet looking into mutations that are happening in their present time. 
So my ideas were paper on a clip board, stacks of paper or a computer monitor with the report typed on to it.
Here is the final product of my Tome.