Tuesday 25 October 2016

Game Character Turn Around

This is the finished turn around for our game character, it was pretty fun to do but I did have some trouble doing the back view. Sadly the coloured lines are a little hard to see but there is not much I can do about that.

I also forgot to add guide lines for the eyes/buttons on the hood so they move position a little.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Game Character Concepts

 Here are a few more concepts playing round with the line and skin colour of our character.

Monday 17 October 2016

Colour Concepts

Colour concepts
Here are the two colour variations and the colour schemes that we tried out for one of the designs.

Game Concepts with Gabby

Me and Gabby got together to talk about what parts of our designs that we like and want to keep.

We looked at both at her designs and mine and mixed and matched parts together. We both really liked her colour combinations of purple and yellow so i will draw up my colour concepts using those colours along with black and white.

Game Concepts Part 2

A few more character  concepts for our game, Gabby and I will be getting together to talk about what designs we like.
Will post those later.

(Far Q)

Friday 14 October 2016

More Concepts

For our group me and Gabby are in charge of designing the main character.

Here is my first group of concepts

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Back Ground Asset Final

Yay, I finished my back ground asset for the group project, For only being able to spend 2 days on this it turned out ok.

I did have to get some help for other people and teachers to get everything working in unity, but it came together in the end.

Here is a gif of the finished project.

Monday 3 October 2016

Background Assets Colour

Coloured Versions of my Background Asset.

The Dragon looking one was inspired by the design of our character.
The Fire one is to represent the different worlds/levels that our character goes through.
And the top one was inspired by Yin and Yang and the idea behind our story.

Now I just need to start animating one, I will probably be doing the top one.

Development Of Background Asset

Here is the development of my background asset, the level we chose was space so I was choosing between doing a Comet, Shooting Star, Milky Way or Constellations.

So i roughed out a couple ideas to get a feel for what I could do.

 (Sorry its hard to see)

I ended up choosing constellations because i felt there was more i could do with them and what they could be used for.

These are more developments focusing on constellations.