Tuesday 22 November 2016

Fall Animation and Update

Hey, quick update on what I've been doing for our game stuff:

I've finished the clean up and colour on my Hover animation and Oscar has taken them from me to add the shading,

Now I am cleaning up and colouring my rough of the Fall Animation

I also need a change a couple things on my Health Bar then it will be finished too.

Monday 14 November 2016

Hover Cycle

Here is my finished hover/walk cycle roughs for my groups character animation, The sleeves could still use a little playing around with but for now I have moved onto my next animation.
I really don't like animating clothes and the tail of the dress is a little weird still but I need to talk to my group and see what they think.

Monday 7 November 2016

Health Bar

Here is the coloured version of the health bar for our game.
I was a little stuck as for what to do for the inside of the health bar (part the represents health left)
but I will discuss this with my group tomorrow in our group meeting.

Friday 4 November 2016

Game Update

So ive been put on the rough for our characters walk/hover cycle and the fall animation, i have started work on the walk/hover which i will contiune over the weekend and will hopefully be able to show my group a test of it on monday and tuesday.

I was also put on design for the health bar,
I done up some quick rough designs for my group to see and descided on what they liked best:

After talking with my group the final product looks like this:

This will be lined and coloured up tonight.