Sunday 28 February 2016

Reworking Ideas


I chose to work with the Shadow Puppet Idea

My Tutors told me to look more into the fear aspect and characters.


  • Student would be the live action part.
  • The Shadow would be 2D until it reaches outs of the wall then parts of it would become 3D.
    Most likely just the hands so it would not be to hard to model.
Because the person who would be playing the Student would probably be around my age i asked a few friends about what scares them.

What scares them?
  • The unknown - supernatural 
  • Jump scares
  • Loud noises
Where is a place they would not like to be alone in the dark?
  • Large buildings, Eg: Abandoned, run down.
  • Large field 
  • Empty park
  • Lonely street
  • Alleyways
Which these in mind I looked at what the shadow could be, and also my setting.

Shadow would stay mostly unknown because most people found it scarier when they didn't exactly know what happen, because it gives the mind a lot of room to imagine the worst.

My setting in the beginning was an alleyway but now it could be an alleyway late at night. 

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