Wednesday 25 May 2016

Groups thoughts on sound.

So I uploaded about 21 different songs to the Meemers WIP drive on Monday 23rd and my group was quite busy so they are looking at them today.

Lauren did enjoy Fast Talkin, Iron horse and Bass Walker.
Ethan also seems to like Fast Talkin
Sam being the amazing bean he is wrote up everything he thought about all of the sounds and posted it on his blog.
Dora's Favorites: (not in order) Dora might also write up more of her thoughts to show me on theses songs but that might alos be posted to her blog.
Spy glass Ossuary 6 Ossuary 4 oppressive gloom Iron horse Evening of chaos deep haze bass walker anguish

But after this i will work more on so,e suggestions they have given me for the music, like maybe slowing down or just changing little parts.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Sound Update

I missed the group meeting on Friday 21/05/2016 but I talked to my group over the weekend and they mentioned that Dane said I was on the right track but said to look into some music, something along the lines of dark/gloomy jazz and bass solos just to help with the creepy mood as well as filling the emptyness,

I had a quick talk to him today about it and he told me to look through Incompetech music collections and I could find something to work with. So thats my plan today as well as changing over my holy bottle sound effect to the one Lauren gave me.

Sunday 15 May 2016

Bug Expression and Pose Clean

Here is the clean versions of the bugs Pose and Expression

 As well as a flat colored version of the Bug pose.

Sound (notes)

I forgot to mention the help I got from Joseph and Hamish with the rough sound work I did for my group (which was completed yesterday but I cant upload it onto blogger) . . . . .So thanks :D

Bug Expression and Pose

For the hand in today we needed to have an expression and pose chart for our bug, So here is the rough version of them.

 Most of the Bugs emotion comes from his antennas, but I played around this the eye shape a little in two of them to make the emotion a little more clear.
 . . . . . .I pretty much turned the Bug into a dog . .  .whoops

Saturday 14 May 2016

Group Update


On Friday I showed my title card concepts to my group and they liked the first and second one and i did mention that I didn't get a chance to do up the ones using the starting shot of our animation but that I would be doing it that night.
Because I was stuck on what font to use and Lauren who was on ending credits and had said she had a lot of fonts that we could try, said she would find and send me some while I was working on recording sound (which is now done just missing a few minor sounds)
While she did send me fonts, she also made her own title card that Ethan approved and that will probably be the one we will now be using for our animation.

I am now on drawing up the bugs expression and body movement chart for the hand in tomorrow.

I will have some roughs up later today and hopefully be able to upload the sounds to our drive.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Bug Title sketchs and rough Colour

I wasn't able to upload these on Wednesday or talk to my group about them but here are my rough title cards, hopefully i can get some feedback from my group on what to do with them cause i got a little stuck because, i didnt know how my group wanted them to be done, i only knew that they didnt not want them to look  super complicated, so i just did really basic stuff.


I didn't know what to do for the font so this is just my place holder.

Rough colour ideas

Most of the title cards i looked at were very simple and had little colour, so i tried to follow that style.
(Will talk to group on Friday to get more ideas as well as do sound as i now have the timed out live action footage)

Bug Title Card MoodBoard 2

After showing the teachers the title boards I was looking at, they suggested that the creepy vibe was not present well within them, so I talked to my team again and I got a few suggestions.
Those being Paranorman and Nine (animated movies) and any 70's horror.

So i went and got a few different images.

 And looking at these I liked the more simple style of the top three so i made some rough sketches trying to follow their design

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Bug Animation Update!

Over the recent holidays I wasn't able to work on the title cards like I had planned too,
So now for this week I have grabbed a couple examples of title cards from different shows that I am going to work from.

I will also be working on sound again this week, I have the sound that the group liked for the bug now it is just a matter of recording the ambient sounds in the room and maybe some other sounds then a rough scuttling sound for the bug (because this will probably change when the bug is cleaned up more throughout the project)  I have asked Dora to help me with recording some sounds tomorrow and i am getting a timed out version of the live action from Ethan to time out what sounds go where and maybe get some others background sounds (like a chair squeak or clothes rustling) to help with making it feel more natural.