Saturday 14 May 2016

Group Update


On Friday I showed my title card concepts to my group and they liked the first and second one and i did mention that I didn't get a chance to do up the ones using the starting shot of our animation but that I would be doing it that night.
Because I was stuck on what font to use and Lauren who was on ending credits and had said she had a lot of fonts that we could try, said she would find and send me some while I was working on recording sound (which is now done just missing a few minor sounds)
While she did send me fonts, she also made her own title card that Ethan approved and that will probably be the one we will now be using for our animation.

I am now on drawing up the bugs expression and body movement chart for the hand in tomorrow.

I will have some roughs up later today and hopefully be able to upload the sounds to our drive.

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