Wednesday 16 March 2016

Bug Update

After taking the advice my team mates gave me last time over the colour and pattern, this is what I ended up with.
With the patterns the last two are defiantly out because the pattern on the back draws to much attention away from the bug itself, but most of the group enjoy the second and third pattern. But when I asked what pattern they like most out of the 2nd, 3rd and the original camo pattern, the favorite was the 2nd one but try to darken up the pattern itself so it stands out more but not to much.

Color study:
The main comment I got back from group members and the tutors was that if we are not going to use the orange eyes that do look the best (because of contrast) I need to make they eyes on these bugs now have that contrast i don;t need to change the color completely just darken and lighten them.
The 1st to 3rd bugs are the most liked i just need to play with saturation and contrast a bit more to get what my team wants.

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