Friday 25 March 2016

Week Five Gaming Post

How does morality influence the choices you make in the game?

This week I played The Wolf Among Us, I have known about this game for quite a long time, so I was very excited to be able to get the chance to play it for myself.

First let’s look at what Morality is, Morality is the idea that some forms of behaviour are right and others are wrong.

I feel The Wolf Among Us use’s morality influence well in the major questions it asks of the player, this can be seen in one of the chapters when you are asked to pick between two people who are in trouble, One is a friend of yours and the other is a stranger and you don’t exactly know how much danger they are each are in, So who do you help first? And what are the consequences of that choice.

Another thing I liked about the questions in The Wolf Among Us is that even though it felt like it was my own morality that was being questioned, and I did go for the answer that felt like the ‘nice guy’ way of doing things, it didn’t always come across that way in the game because unlike other games where when you as the player are faced with moral questions and you answer them as yourself because you are living as yourself through the character, In The Wolf Among Us you are playing as Bigby Wolf who has a very developed character with a bit of an attitude and most of the characters in Fable town do not get along well with Bigby because of his past with them, an example if this from my play through of The Wolf Among Us is when I had Bigby reach out to try and comfort a young child because in my mind this was a nice thing to do, only to have the child recoil away from Bigby in fear. This was an interesting to me because while other people could complain that it took them out of the game experience when it feels like the question is saying one thing and when you choose it, it is acted out in a completely different way. I really enjoyed this factor though (most times) because it help me get a better feeling for Bigby’s character, for me this factor made it feel there was a little less moral influence of the questions that directly related to me but it was more like I was the angel (or devil) on Bigby’s shoulder giving suggestions.
Overall I did feel there was a lot of morality influence in the questions, even if they did not always play out in the way I expected them. I found The Wolf Among Us to be a great game to play especially with friends because they felt like the devils on my shoulder.  

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