Sunday 13 March 2016

Bug Colour and Pattern Concepts

After Getting Ethan's final design (which was a variation of Sams)  for the bug on Friday, I looked at what colour and pattern the bug could have without it being to hard to constantly re draw when we animate.

Here is the bug I worked off:

And here our the colour/pattern concepts that I made:




When I showed these to my team mates Ethan and Lauren liked the third one on the third page but would like me to darken it up and change the eye to a blue but maybe have the orange eyes after it drinks , Sam likes the the first one on the second page and Dora like the same one as Ethan and Lauren but thinks it fine without changing it and also the second one on the first page. 

I will be trying their suggestions tonight.
As well as changing the pattern on the 3rd bug.
After that Keat suggests that we try dropping the bug onto test shots of our background. Sam will be getting those test shots soon.

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