Thursday 3 March 2016

Week 2 Games

Week 2 Gaming Questions

Does your chosen game(s) make user input feel meaningful in terms of story direction and progression? Why or why not?

User input is a necessity in Her Story because without it the story would not progress, i do not believe user interactivity changes the final out come of the story because the narrative is Embedded,
"Embedded - pre-generated narrative components such as video clips and scripted scenes" Rules of play: Salen and Zimmerman

The only thing that would change is the order of how you hear and see the story because of this you can miss out on other information that is not deemed important by the game system because it will shoe the ending if you find enough important information . This makes Her Story feel meaningful to the player because you are completely in control of the 'Phrases" that you input into the game database that is set up into the games, they give you the starting phrase of Murder that gives you the intro of the story which sets you up to be immersed into a believable role of being a detective.
The Game Space of Her Story is set up really well to look like an computer search engine,
"Games create 'possibility spaces' spaces the provide compelling problems within an overarching narrative, afford creative opportunities for dealing with meaningful consequences." Warren Spector 

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